You asked for it, so we are sharing it today on Safety FM Mini.
Show Transcript
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You're listening to Safety FM Min. This episode of the broadcast and the podcast
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is brought to you by Safety Focus Moment. They're consultants that want to
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help you get the safety culture you've been looking for. For more information go
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to Well hello and welcome to another episode of Safety FM
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Min. I am your host Jay Allen. I hope everything is good and grand inside of
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your neck of the woods and as you are fully aware this is the mini episode of
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what we do on Fridays and I have to tell you I've kind of been surprised about
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some things that have occurred over the last little bit. I know that we normally
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talk about I read a book a month that's what I attempt to do in regards of what
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was going on, what I've been doing for years and it has not happened I guess
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until I just saw a plethora of them come in of people wanting to know what
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exactly I'm reading. So I thought that was kind of a strange request because
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people said hey that they would like to read along that way there could be a
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brief discussion of it. So if you want to know what I'm doing this month I guess
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we can cover it real quick. This month's book read is a book called The Creative
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Act by Rick Rubin. So just in case if you want to take a garner-arner on what's
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going on and that way you know exactly what I'm taking a read at so that's
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what's going on for this month I guess when in the in the coming months we'll
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discuss what's going on we'll do it on a mini episode and then I guess we can
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have some kind of a level of brief discussion of the book. So just in case
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you want to know the name of it The Creative Act by Rick Rubin. Anyways I've
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been your safety manager and host Jay Allen and until next time be safe.
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The views and opinions expressed on this podcast are those of the host and its guests and do not
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necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of
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analysis discussed within this podcast are only examples. They should not be utilized
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in the real world as the only solution available as they are based only on very
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limited and dated open source information. Assumptions made within this
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analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this
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podcast may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
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form or by any means mechanical, electronic, recording, or otherwise without
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prior written permission of the creator of the podcast Jay Allen.
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